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Kingston Springs Chiropractor Provides Care You Can Trust

Adjusting patient's backOrigin Health & Wellness was established in 2018 to serve the people in our community and Pegram with a way to improve their health naturally.

Our care isn’t just about the physical, either. We know there is a mental and spiritual component to health. When you’re here, you’ll feel you’re part of something. In our family, it doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, or what you’re going through—we are here to help you.

The Origin of Origin Health & Wellness

Our practice seeks to be the place where you can start your true health journey away from the medical paradigm. As origin is the beginning, we offer a new beginning or fresh start for everybody coming into the office.

Discover, Align, Thrive

The journey to optimal health can be divided into three essential phases: Discover, Align, and Thrive.

  1. During the Discover phase, individuals learn about where true health comes from and why their previous efforts may not have worked. This phase is crucial for setting the foundation for long-term health success.
  2. Next, in the Align phase, the central nervous system is optimized, and the body is properly aligned for optimal function. This phase involves more than just spinal alignment and requires a mind-body connection.
  3. Finally, in the Thrive phase, we encourage individuals to pursue their health goals, much like how one maintains dental hygiene after getting a cavity filled. This phase involves continual health deposits and avoiding withdrawals from the “health account.”

Together, these three phases provide a roadmap for discovering, aligning, and thriving in one’s health journey.

A Place You’ll Love to Be

The moment you walk into our practice, you’re going to feel uplifted. Our team keeps a positive, energetic attitude that’s contagious.

There’s a quote that sums us up:

Be a yardstick of measurement. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”
Steve Jobs

We like to say that we strive for second-level service. There’s the typical level of service that you expect. But we go one step above that, giving you the VIP treatment every time we see you.

Chiropractic Isn’t About Pain

Though you might think of chiropractic as being for people with back pain, there is so much more we can do for you and your family.

One of our more memorable cases involved a child with a loss of sensation and motor function on the left side of his face. Think about the implications—he couldn’t fully close his eyes, even to sleep. He couldn’t drink out of a cup or hear out of the left ear. Through care, he regained 100% function.

Another favorite story is about a man who was a veteran of the Iraq War. He came to us for back pain. After a few adjustments, he told us that he’d been struggling with PTSD, nightmares and tremors. After getting care, all those went away, and he was able to sleep peacefully through the night.

These stories just show you—if you give the body the right environment, it can heal itself!

You Are SO Much More Than a Number

If you’ve ever been to see a doctor and felt like you weren’t seen or heard, know it will be different here. Each member of our team truly cares about every person who walks into our chiropractic office. Contact us now to book your first appointment!

Chiropractor Kingston Springs, Pegram TN | (615) 378-1195