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Meet Dr. Jay Torralba

I love sharing the truth about health.

Dr. Jay TorralbaFrom a young age, Dr. Jay’s path was set: he would become a professional baseball player. He pursued it for most of his life and was awarded a scholarship at Canisius College, a D-1 school in New York. Through all four of his years, Dr. Jay played baseball. During his senior year, however, he thought, “Is this really what I want to do?”

Some people Dr. Jay had met through baseball went into chiropractic. He reached out to them, and they advised him to visit an office in Canada to learn about the message of chiropractic. “It was nothing like I’d ever experienced before. People weren’t sick and gloomy there.” After listening to the doctor’s report, something clicked for Dr. Jay, and he knew that chiropractic was his future.

Serving and Empowering Others

With Dr. Jay’s two passions being athletics and music, he realized that being a chiropractor would allow him to work with people in both fields. He decided to attend Life University, which is where he found his true purpose.

“I’d been living my whole life playing different positions on the baseball field. I realized that the movements I did every day were to prepare me for something greater-to serve my practice members and team members with excellence, at my optimum potential.”

Dr. Jay earned a Doctor of Chiropractic at Life, but he also gained some incredible friendships. One of the first people he met at school was Dr. Zach. Their relationship continued throughout school. With congruent views of chiropractic, it made perfect sense to join forces at Origin Health & Wellness.

“We all have the same view of empowering the community here.”

It’s All About Faith

Dr. Jay believes that God doesn’t make mistakes when he creates people. The care he provides allows God to move and work through him, facilitating the healing of his practice members. Dr. Jay is passionate about helping people connect with their calling and destiny.

When you meet Dr. Jay, you will feel seen, heard and ready to unlock your full potential and power. He wants to be a light to everyone, feeling called to shine and empowering others. Plus, his warm smile is infectious, and his caring manner shows through when he meets you.

Doctor means teacher. I reteach the body to do what it’s been programmed to do from the beginning of time, which is to heal itself.


Living a Vibrant Life

Dr. Jay loves to travel, particularly to the ocean where he can surf. On the weekends, he’s at church, often leading worship and playing keys or guitar. He recharges by hanging out with friends, cooking up something tasty in the kitchen, having a good cup of coffee or reading a book.

Originally from Toronto, Dr. Jay’s heritage is Filipino, as his mother and father are from the Philippines. He has loved becoming a part of our community and enjoys the warm climate and beauty of our area.

Learn More Today

If you’d like to find out more about what our team does, contact Origin Health & Wellness today!


Dr. Jay Torralba | (615) 953-6099